This is an advanced plugin that will help you create highly customizable shops for your game. You can set items to be infinite or have a limited stock. You can change everything, right down to the shop owner’s maximum amount of weight he can hold or the maximum amount of gold he can spend. Furthermore, most, if not all, of it is optional. If you leave the parameter field blank, it will exclude that feature entirely.
You can define your custom shops within the “Shop Manager” section of the plugin parameters. You can then call your custom shop from within the game using script calls or plugin commands.
Complete compatibility with my other DM series plugins.
Define multiple custom shops right in the “Shop Manager” plugin parameters section.
Set the shop’s maximum weight limit. (optional)
Set the shop’s maximum gold limit. (optional)
You can set the shop to retain/remember items that are sold to it. (optional)
Set certain items, weapons, and armour to require specific materials to be sold to the shop first before they become available. The item, weapon, or armour will then require those items to be sold to the shop every time you want to purchase it again. This game mechanic is meant to mimic Etrian Odyssey games on the 3DS. (optional)
Display a “new item is unlocked” window when the player has sold the required items for an item, weapon or armour.
Set the shop to have all its items, weapons, and armor with requirements to automatically be unlocked. (optional)
Supports using text codes for changing the colour in the shop and inventory name windows.
Use script calls or plugin commands to change shop item prices individually or by percentage as a whole.
1. Do NOT claim ownership or take any code for your own plugins.
2. Do NOT redistribute or resell any of the source code under any circumstances.
3. This plugin is free to be used in any non-commercial game.
4. This plugin can be used in commercial games provided you have successfully purchased a commercial licence from this page. You can begin the process by clicking the red button found below. The licence will cover any and all future games made by you using the plugin.
Release Versions
Version 1.16 – [11.15.2024]
Added support for the vanilla event shop.
Added new plugin parameters so developers can edit the various help window texts displayed with this plugin (text codes supported).
A new script call and plugin command have been added to let developers clear the entire specified shop’s contents.
Version 1.15 – [09.11.2024]
New functionality has been added to the shop scene. Now if the player is at 1 when buying/selling an item and presses left/down, it will set it to the maximum available. Alternately, if it’s at the maximum amount of stock the shop has or the maximum amount the player has for selling, it will loop back to 1 when pressing right/up.
Fixed a bug where the shop stock window would display an item’s weight when in “Slot Based” mode.
Version 1.14 – [08.28.2024]
A compatibility patch has been made for the “Inventory Type” parameter change.
Fixed a bug where the shop stock window would display “Requires” when the item didn’t have any specified item requirements.
Version 1.13 – [05.09.2024]
Fixed a bug where the shop wouldn’t allow the player to purchase the correct amount of items when the player did have enough gold.
Version 1.12 – [04.19.2024]
Added note tag support to disable items, weapons and armours from being sold to the shop with a message being displayed to notify the player.
Version 1.11 – [04.07.2024]
Fixed a minor window positioning bug involving the shop and inventory title windows caused while using a different UI size than the resolution size.
Added new script calls and plugin commands that allow developers to change shop item prices individually or by percentage as a whole.
Version 1.10 – [02.16.2024]
A patch has been made to fix a bug for compatibility with the DM_IndependentItems plugin.
Version 1.09 – [02.11.2024]
There was a bug when items were added to the shop using the plugin command; the retained property was set to false when it should be true.
Version 1.08 – [01.14.2024]
There is a new game mechanic that allows the developer to choose “Item Weight” or “Slot Based” inventory system.
Fixed a bug that would allow the player to purchase goods from the shop when the party has insufficient funds.
Version 1.07 – [05.15.2023]
While using VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore, weapons and armour would display no information. A compatibility patch has been made to fix the issue.
When buying more than one item at a time in the shop, it would return a NaN value instead of an actual number. This is now been fixed.
Version 1.06 – [04.13.2023]
Added support for colour text codes in shop and inventory names.
To help developers that use smaller resolutions, I’ve added a new plugin parameter that lets you change the default shop status width.
Version 1.05 – [04.12.2023]
When selling items to the shop, the party’s inventory weight window wasn’t updating properly, resulting in the incorrect weight being displayed until the player exited and opened the shop again. This has now been fixed.
When using the increase/decrease gold plugin command where the shops final gold value becomes 0 or below, it would cause an error. This has now been fixed.
Version 1.04 – [04.11.2023]
When attempting to sell items in the shop using mobile buttons, shop core would throw a Javascript error, resulting in a crash. This is now fixed.
Compatibility patch has been made to work with DM_ItemCategories’ new multiple categories feature.
Version 1.03 – [04.10.2023]
Fixed a bug where the shop wouldn’t allow the sale of items even when the total weight did not exceed the available shop weight.
Fixed a bug where the shop didn’t display decimal weights correctly.
Fixed a bug where the shop status window did not display weapon info correctly for VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore
Version 1.02 – [03.31.2023]
Fixed a bug where the shop weight window would display incorrectly for smaller resolutions.
Version 1.01 – [02.21.2023]
Made plugin compatible with other DM series plugins.
Added plugin commands for developer’s ease of use.
That would be the VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore plugin, which is available for free. If you click the link in the compatibility section of this plugin, it will take you straight to the plugin page.
Thanks for the answer, but what I asked is something else. I was wondering which plug-in works when you get an item from a box in the 2 second part of the video 😀
Hello, that plugin is free for commercial use already. I think the author’s name is The Northern Frog, and the plugin is called TSR_MapPopUps. If you try Googling it, you should be fine.
Hello there. I will need some more information first before I can help you with this problem.
Could you please upload screenshots of the error and where it originated (which line)? I recommend using imgur to share screenshots for debugging purposes.
Also, can you include what you were doing when the crash happened so I can reproduce the bug on my end.
Make sure you have all my plugins up to date by downloading the latest build from the plugin page on the website.
RPG Maker MZ should also be updated to latest version along with your projects core JS files.
*Edit: I now know the root cause of this bug. You NEED to define your own shops in the Shop Manager section of the plugins parameters. This causes the game to crash with nothing defined. I will put in a default shop to fix this issue in the next build.
Last edited 1 year ago by Dungeonmind
1 year ago
Hello and thanks for this plugin ! i have some ui problems…
Can you tell me where and what to change to get the shop amount of gold displaying exactly as the player gold ?
Can you tell me where and what to change to get rectangles of inventory of shop and player in a higher position…
Hi, Sorry, I forgot to get back to you on this one; I’ve been super busy.
I specifically designed the shop gold to mimic the style of the player gold, but putting the gold on the same side wasn’t feasible, so I flipped it horizontally.
I think I can help you with your second query, but please send an email to support so I can work personally with you on this matter.
Last edited 1 year ago by Dungeonmind
1 year ago
Hey, i have this little problem. When i put the number higher or lower then number 1 (id of the shop) It writes me this message, could you please get some advice? Thank you
Hello, first of all, thanks for using my plugin, but it doesn’t support using an ID smaller than 1. This is detailed in the plugin help file: the ID is tied to the list number in the plugin parameters. I’ve tested using more than one shop and have not received this error. It might be best to do the following:
Test this in a blank project to make sure you are still receiving the error.
Make sure you actually have a shop defined in the plugin parameters. You have to define your own shops with this plugin, and I would consider this an advanced plugin to use, so please do read the help file first before using.
Email support with a link to your blank project so that I can take a look for you. Dropbox or Google Drive are preferable for security reasons.
*Upon further investigation, I have found that you probably didn’t do number 2 on this list. Please read the help file thoroughly, and make sure you have created a new shop by double-clicking a slot in the ‘Shop Manager’ section of the plugin parameters and defining the various settings of the shop, including the items, weapons, and armour that you wish the shop to sell.
Here is some example(s) of what your shop manager settings might look like after adding some shops to the ‘Shop Manager’ section of the plugin parameters.
Last edited 1 year ago by Dungeonmind
5 months ago
HELP, how to change these English into other languages?
You’ll have to request help from VisuStella team, as that specific part is from their code, not mine. I just made some of my plugins compatible with it.
Hello, I set the specific item requirement to be sold in order to buy a potion. But I still can buy the potion even though I didn’t sold that specific item. Did I miss something?
Hi there, can you possibly send a support request to with screenshots of everything you’re doing so I can better assist you there?
What did you use as the get info plug-in for the item in the video?
That would be the VisuMZ_1_ItemsEquipsCore plugin, which is available for free. If you click the link in the compatibility section of this plugin, it will take you straight to the plugin page.
Thanks for the answer, but what I asked is something else. I was wondering which plug-in works when you get an item from a box in the 2 second part of the video 😀
Hello, that plugin is free for commercial use already. I think the author’s name is The Northern Frog, and the plugin is called TSR_MapPopUps. If you try Googling it, you should be fine.
wow, thx for letting me know!
gives an error message – Unexpected end of JSON input, help please
Hello there. I will need some more information first before I can help you with this problem.
Could you please upload screenshots of the error and where it originated (which line)? I recommend using imgur to share screenshots for debugging purposes.
Also, can you include what you were doing when the crash happened so I can reproduce the bug on my end.
Make sure you have all my plugins up to date by downloading the latest build from the plugin page on the website.
RPG Maker MZ should also be updated to latest version along with your projects core JS files.
*Edit: I now know the root cause of this bug. You NEED to define your own shops in the Shop Manager section of the plugins parameters. This causes the game to crash with nothing defined. I will put in a default shop to fix this issue in the next build.
Hello and thanks for this plugin ! i have some ui problems…
And first of all excuse my english… ^^
Hi, Sorry, I forgot to get back to you on this one; I’ve been super busy.
I specifically designed the shop gold to mimic the style of the player gold, but putting the gold on the same side wasn’t feasible, so I flipped it horizontally.
I think I can help you with your second query, but please send an email to support so I can work personally with you on this matter.
Hey, i have this little problem. When i put the number higher or lower then number 1 (id of the shop) It writes me this message, could you please get some advice? Thank you
Hello, first of all, thanks for using my plugin, but it doesn’t support using an ID smaller than 1. This is detailed in the plugin help file: the ID is tied to the list number in the plugin parameters. I’ve tested using more than one shop and have not received this error. It might be best to do the following:
*Upon further investigation, I have found that you probably didn’t do number 2 on this list. Please read the help file thoroughly, and make sure you have created a new shop by double-clicking a slot in the ‘Shop Manager’ section of the plugin parameters and defining the various settings of the shop, including the items, weapons, and armour that you wish the shop to sell.
Here is some example(s) of what your shop manager settings might look like after adding some shops to the ‘Shop Manager’ section of the plugin parameters.
HELP, how to change these English into other languages?
Hi there,
You’ll have to request help from VisuStella team, as that specific part is from their code, not mine. I just made some of my plugins compatible with it.
Hello, I set the specific item requirement to be sold in order to buy a potion. But I still can buy the potion even though I didn’t sold that specific item. Did I miss something?
Hi there, can you possibly send a support request to with screenshots of everything you’re doing so I can better assist you there?